This Undocumented Mom Is Taking Sanctuary at an NYC Church to Fight Her Deportation [VIDEO]

By Tiye Rose Jun 25, 2018

Debora Berenice Barrios-Vasquez is the mother of a 10- and a 2-year-old. She works at a nonprofit for underserved people in New York City, is a labor union member, is active in her church and plans to study Information and Technology at a local community college. 

Barrios-Vasquez is also an undocumented immigrant facing deportation to Guatemala.  

To stay connected with her young children, who are both U.S. citizens, the 13-year resident of New York City has taken sanctuary with her youngest at Saint Paul & Saint Andrew United Methodist Church in Manhattan. On June 21 Barrios-Vasquez spoke out at a press conference organized by New Sanctuary Coalition of New York City, an immigrant rights group that has seen its leadership targeted for deportation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Take a look: