Celebrate The International Woman in Your Life With the ‘Meet My Immigrant Mom’ Tumblr

It's just love.

By Julianne Hing Mar 08, 2013

On this International Women’s Day, the [Domestic Workers Alliance](http://www.domesticworkers.org/), a national group organizing for the rights of domestic workers, has rolled out the sweetest of tributes to immigrant mothers, those truly international women. It’s a tumblr called ["Meet My Immigrant Mom,"](http://meetmyimmigrantmom.tumblr.com/) and it is as simple as that. Each post includes a snapshot of a woman with a short introduction to her written by her child. Christine, writes of her mother Anne, "What I respect the most about her is her deep sense of self-dignity and self-worth. Even if her English isn’t 100% perfect, she always stands up for herself and demands to be treated with respect. The funny thing is, when she first immigrated from South Korea, she was quiet and shy, but its hard to believe now! Sometimes we have to remind her to use her "indoor voice"!" Julie from New Hampshire, pictured in front of a blooming garden with her mom, says she loves her mom’s fighting spirit: > She has hurdled some hard obstacles in her life, including breast cancer and has always persevered. My mother grew up in poverty, living with nuns in an orphanage at one point (because her mother couldn’t take care of her) in Mexico City and then she moved to Tijuana. My mother moved to the United States when she was in her mid 20’s. She was the first member of her family to immigrate. She put herself through community college and with little English behind her, she found a job working for a radio station. > In a very un-Internet-like move, the stories are entirely free of irony or sarcasm. The stories betray no hints of hurt or disappointment, it’s just love. They are affectionate public tributes to ordinary women who are heroes to their children for loving and living bravely. And, they’re looking for more. Send them your story [here](http://meetmyimmigrantmom.tumblr.com/).