Roxane Gay: White Men Don’t Get Same Level of Online Harassment as People of Color

By Jamilah King Oct 24, 2014

Culture critic and English professor Roxane Gay sat down with the Chicago Tribune’s Christopher Borelli to talk about the whirlwind of a year she’s had since publishing her first collection of essays, "Bad Feminist." Gay talks about the delicate line she walks between engaging online audiences and facing tons of racist and sexist harrassment. 

White men don’t receive the same level of (expletive) that women and people of color do online. They don’t see the harassment. Of course they see a yes-man culture. They’re not having their physical appearances — "You’re ugly," "You’re fat" — brought up. They are not even aware of the real world. It’s adorable. Writing about literary culture, they seem to be protecting literary truth. They have good points: Critical rigor is important, what the Internet is doing to rigor is not small. I would just to like to see an awareness that others live in this world, that the subject is about more than a notion of literary integrity.

Read more at the Chicago Tribune