Native Appropriations Reminds You: Don’t Dress up Like an Indian on Halloween

By Aura Bogado Oct 24, 2014

Halloween is just 10 days away–and so are the annual nightmares that come along with it.

Over at Native Appropriations, Adrienne Keene provides a roundup of several years’ worth of posts about why it’s a really bad idea to dress up like an Indian. (A bonus post explains what to do when your friend dresses up like an Indian, too!) If you’re still not positive that you shouldn’t dress up like an Indian, then this post is for you.

Included are:

And if the list seems like a little too much to read, here’s Keene’s wrap up:

Native peoples are a contemporary, LIVING group of people, not a costume. Seriously. Stop putting us in the same category as wizards and clowns. Don’t believe me? Come to a Native event dressed like that, and see how many friends you make! Fun for everyone!

So, what are you dressing up as?