Meet Zimmerman Murder Trial Juror B-37 (AKA, The Parrot Lady)

One of the Zimmerman jurors was too busy taking care of her exotic animals to pay attention to the death of Trayvon Martin.

By Aura Bogado Jun 20, 2013

Six jurors have been picked to decide George Zimmerman’s fate in a Seminole County, Florida court. All six are women; at least four are mothers. Five are white and one is a woman of color (somehow, in a case that’s central to the way we think about racial justice, no one seems to be exactly sure whether she is black or Latina). Four alternate jurors have also been chosen, and can step in if needs be.

One juror in particular, known as B-37, is white, and the mother of two children. But she also cares for other life forms. During the publicity phase of questioning, B-37 assured attorneys that the media coverage around Trayvon Martin’s death and subsequent protests wouldn’t taint her duty as a potential juror because newspapers in her home are only used to line her parrot (or parrots–that remains unclear) cage.

Aside from the parrot or parrots, B-37 also cares for a crow with a missing wing. And three dogs. And four cats. Oh, and two lizards. Orlando Sentinel court reporter Jeff Weiner, who has been live tweeting from the courtroom, assures us that the so-called Parrot Lady is one of six jurors on the case.

Yes, you read that correctly. The woman who was too busy taking care of her exotic animals to pay attention to the death of Trayvon Martin will now be a juror in Zimmerman’s murder trial. Wait, did we mention that she had a concealed weapons permit? Her husband has one, too. We’ll keep you posted on the trial.

Update: June 21, 2013, 9:27 am ET

Several media outlets, including the New York Times, are reporting that the one non-white juror, known as B-29 is indeed Latina. But others, including the Miami Herald, are still unsure, writing that she is a "lighter-skinned black woman, possibly Hispanic."

As a smart reader pointed out to us yesterday on our Facebook page, it is entirely possible that B-29 can be both black and Latina. Duly noted.