White House Emails Detail Its Role in Pushing Out Shirley Sherrod

By Kai Wright Mar 09, 2012

Speaking of [Andrew Breitbart smearing important black people](https://colorlines.com/archives/2012/03/there_are_lies_damned_lies_and_andrew_breitbart.html), Associated Press reports today on 2,000 pages of Obama administration emails over the [Shirley Sherrod debacle](https://colorlines.com/archives/2010/08/sherrod_to_vilsack_take_this_job_and_shelve_it.html). According to AP, the emails show the White House engaged significantly with Agriculture Department officials’ discussion over whether and how to push Sherrod out. The White House says that the emails merely confirm what it has already acknowledged–that officials were aware of the discussion but did not order Agriculture to fire her.