A Little Racial Discrimination With Your Nightly News?

By Megan Izen Jul 29, 2008

Last week we reported back to you from the ColorofChange.org protest of Fox News’ racist smears against the Obama’s and Black America. It seems only fitting that Media Matters released their gender and ethnic diversity study of the three major news outlets yesterday. The results: they’re all guilty of racial discrimination whether they’re out there calling people ‘baby mama’s’ or just simply not including people of color in their programming. It’s no surprise that Fox wins the prize for whitest network, but the fact the MSNBC had only 6 Latino guests out of 460 in an entire month is rather shocking. In a time where race has become a central topic in mainstream media, you might think that the demographics of guests and/or correspondents might shift. Wishful thinking. For now, we’re stuck with mostly white men telling us what’s tnews.
