Katrina Klap: Rapper Responds to Recovery Efforts

By Malena Amusa Aug 29, 2007

You know it’s a sad day when our nation’s leaders only return to Katrina-ravaged New Orleans around the anniversary of the Hurricane. Sadly today, which marks two years in memoriam, Katrina still rings as a broken-record among politicians. Even Sen. Obama’s Katrina recovery plan announced this week is contingent on Obama winning office. When asked how he will deliver his plan, Obama said: "with a new president and Congress." But if any elected official charged with a response has been listening, this anniversary’s bumper sticker is undoubtedly: what are we waiting for? Meanwhile, activists and people on the ground are tired of Katrina being used as a stump for political speeches that translate to piecemeal change. Perhaps this explains pop culture’s latest attempt to highlight the imperative of Katrina and also how Bush single-handedly ordered funds and forces away from New Orleans. Enter rapper Mos Def and his song Katrina Klap. In the video, Def croons reggae-style lyrics about the cost of humanity and notions of freedom. The text streaming at the bottom of the video exposes an important time-line of corrupt policymaking around Katrina. So watch carefully. This video got over 180,000 hits on YouTube. But I can’t help but thinking still this is not enough. For around-the clock coverage of Katrina recovery, visit the Nola blog.
