Introducing Michelle Chen’s New Global Justice Column

Building an international perspective into the ColorLines mix.

By Kai Wright Sep 22, 2010

This [morning’s story]( on the UN’s development goals and global inequality inaugurates a new column. ColorLines contributor [Michelle Chen]( will now be writing weekly (sometimes a bit more) on racial justice from a global perspective. She’ll cover a lot of ground–looking at how the U.S. supports or undermines justice everywhere, putting racial justice inside the U.S. into global perspective and broadly exploring the global landscape of race and equity. We’re thrilled to build an international perspective into the regular ColorLines mix. You can follow Michelle’s column in the Global Justice tab under Blogs & Columns and, as always, chime into the discussion in the comments of her columns. Michelle, a longtime ColorLines writer, had been authoring our On Gender blog. That blog will now go into hiatus–but only for a spell. We’ll revive a blog focused exclusively on gender in the coming months.