Deadly Secrets: Supporting Documents

By Jorge Rivas Aug 17, 2011

Deadly Secrets: How California Law Has Shielded Oakland Police Violence

A fathers side of the story.

Toddler’s Murder Begs Hard Questions About Violence–and Policing
East Oakland has demanded more cops. They’ve also demanded less violence from the police who protect them.

Related Documents
View a list of OPD officers involved in shooting incidents and an example of the misconduct investigations that are no longer available to the public.

From the Archives:
Fresno’s Repeat Shooters

Below you’ll find supporting documents referenced in Deadly Secrets: How California Law Has Shielded Oakland Police Violence.

OPD Officer-Involved Shooting Incidents

Sixteen officers currently in the OPD are responsible for nearly half of the department’s total 85 shootings between 2000 and 2010. Misconduct allegations filed with the Citizens’ Police Review Board against these officers would have been public records before the Copley ruling; they are now confidential.

A Pre-Copely Citizens’ Police Review Board Complaint

In 2000, Andre Piazza filed this misconduct complaint against OPD Officer Patrick Gonzales. The Copley ruling now shields documents such as this complaint from public view. Policing watchdogs say officers such as Gonzales, with repeated misconduct complaints and involvement in controversial use-of-force incidents, are most likely to later fire their weapons at suspects. Copely severely curtailed watchdogs’ ability to monitor complaints and identify patterns.

To continue reading Piazza’s complaint visit’s Scribd archive.
